Standard Operating Procedure
Initially when I saw the documentary I got mad when I was reminded of what went on in the Abu Gharib prison after the illegal American invasion of Iraq in 2003. You see American soldiers who abused and humiliated Iraqis. You have all seen the pictures in the media, but just to freshen up your memory here are just some of the 1000's of pictures that was taken as trophies.
Was it only some dumb stupid Americans who committed these crimes? Was this all? Lynndie England, Ambuhl Garner, Ken Davis, Sabrina Harman and last but not leas Charles Graner, was these the people who committed these inhuman acts? No No No, we have to bear in mind that these interrogation techniques has been used by the US before Abu Gharib, it happens in Guantanamo Bay and in secret American prisons all around the world. It wasn't a coincident that these pictures "leaked" out to the media. After all the US intentionally wanted to create a hostile anti American mentality in Iraq, so that Iraqis would "retaliate". What happened in Abu Gharib was horrible, but it was nothing new, and it was used as propaganda.
I mean we have heard about the two British soldiers who were dressed as Arabs and were driving a car and transporting weapons and explosives. These guys started randomly shooting at people, innocent civilians. Even these guys wanted to escalate the violence in Iraq making Iraqis look like barbarians.
So why bother? Well the US has managed to portrait a picture of Iraq as a dangerous country with crazy people. I mean obviously it has become more dangerous; however the question is who made it dangerous. I mean if Sunnis and Shiites really hated each other, why didn't they do similar acts during the time of Saddam Hussein? What I want point out is that, not everything in the media should be seen as it is! I have heard from some Iraqis telling me that sometimes rockets were fired towards a market place and 10 minutes later it was suddenly portrayed as a suicide bombing in the media. The only conclusion I can draw is that the only Standard Operating Procedures the US has - is to portrait the country they want to invade as the "bad" guys by all means necessary, in order to justify the crimes that they have and will continue to commit.
Vilka bönder! Att dem här korkade människorna fick driva fängelset har jag svårt att tro på. Det skulle faktiskt inte förvåna mig om USA avsiktligt lät dem hålla på som dem gjorde för att sedan läcka ut det till media.
Jag är absolut inte förvånad över att amerikanska/brittiska soldater uppför sig på d här sättet för att i grund och botten kommer de från fattiga områden, med problem familjer, är
oubildade, potentiellt kriminella eller har nån slags kriminell bakgrund. nu kanske ja generaliserar för mkt men i stort sett är det så. Sen får dessa outbildade fucked up tonåringar viktiga uppgifter som de helt enkelt inte klarar av. fan vilken kaos...
PS. PITA you are getting =)
To PLU good luck
You need luck to battle down the criminals :)Infowars is a good starting point :)
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"Att dem här korkade människorna fick driva fängelset har jag svårt att tro på"
Dem drev ju fängelset
Till Random
Jo det är ju så att det är the "little man" som får göra skiten för the "Big boy"!
Random det var kul och få ditt första inlägg, fick mig att tänka till lite, och jag har faktiskt fegat mkt! Men men the past is the past :)
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