I am Back
I remember when I was 18, life was just great, and I planned so many things and dreamt of so many places. Some of my plans were achieved and some of the places I wished to see I saw. Nevertheless there are so many things I haven't done yet, and so many places I haven't seen.
I lost my way of life, don't know exactly when it happened but it happened, I was destined for so much more than this, yet I don't regret anything, anymore. I am getting older for every day that passes, but I am gaining so much along with those days.
3 months ago I told a good friend of mine," In six months time, I will know if I am going to succeed in this life or fail". I didn't need 6 months I am already sure that I will achieve those things that I wanted out of life, I will succeed for sure, and nothing is going to stand in my way.
Life today is just great, my confidence level is as high as it was when I was 18 (and I'll tell you, it was very high back then). I am working out, eating well and having fun. In fact the past weekend was probably one of my best weekends ever. There is nothing stopping me now, I know exactly what I want, when I want it and how I want. I am back, yeah it is true Iman Moghimian is really back, and I really feel it in every single breath that I take!